Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Bake 52: Week 11

The recipe for this week was Ciabatta Bread!
  I am pretty sure that if this baking club voted someone out of the club each week, this would DEFINITELY be my week to get kicked out! (If I had made it this long, that is.)  How unappetizing does this look? Seriously?!? This bread took a really long time.  The thing I liked is that it used just a few, simple ingredients.  But there was a lot of rising time.  It was cooked on a baking stone.  The only one I have is a round pizza stone.  So I cut my loaf in half so that both halves would fit on the stone.  Rather than rising up (for the last rise) it rose out...making a very wide, short loaf.  Halfway through baking you take the parchment paper out from under it and flip the bread over to bake on the other side.  I don't know if it was my stone or what, but it burned the bread on the stone side, making a very unpleasant flavor and smell to the bread.  I did manage to eat most of one piece, and the inside was actually quite good.
 The outside was awful though.  I was feeling pretty good that I could finally make the other bread recipes in this book so far, but this one I totally bombed.  I really believe that it was user error. 
If you want to see how the bread should be, and get the recipe, visit Emily's Blog!


  1. Yeah, mine burned too. I thought it was because I used a metal pan, but since you used a baking stone and it still burned we'll say it's the recipe writer's fault our loaves burned :)

  2. I have a confession: I didn't dare turn the heat in my oven that high because my oven usually runs so hot. Now I am thinking if I had, it probably would have burned. We would never kick you out of the group!!! As long as it tastes good, that's all that matters, right? :)

  3. I am sure I would have been kicked out before you!! Good thing this isn't run that way--ha!! :)

  4. Don't feel bad, just look at how awful my first loaf looks and I could of prevented my ugly looking loaf.
