Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Bake 52: Week 12

When I saw this was the pick this week, I had no clue whatsoever we would be making, but quickly opened my book to take a peek.  Cookies.  Without chocolate.  Not sure how I felt about that.
Until I ate one....Mmmmmmm

How could anything with 3 sticks of butter not be good?!?  There were only a few ingredients, but because of the many times of rolling and folding, a perfect, flaky pastry crust was created.  Then rolled in sugar. Again I say Mmmmmm.  Then baked til just crispy.
The dough all ready to cut for cookies.  So pretty and fun!

 I thought I could just eat one.  Didn't happen.  Ate the rest for breakfast the next morning. 
Even better the next day!  
It was so fun to try something new, and something so different!  This was a great recipe! 
  Visit Rebekah's Blog for all the details!

1 comment:

  1. These look so beautiful! I am wanting to eat the dough in the last photo! Great job, and glad you guys liked them.
